Midland St. It's the place I work and major hangout place I frequent. I love this place. It's quaint and quiet in the day. But once the night fell, the place could party like nobody's business. This is basically my turf. My "6 inches of ground". My home.
So imagine my surprise when I found out Art Dore decided not only hold another Extreme Cage Combat on my turf, but also decided to hold a Toughm...I mean Tough Gloves contest a day before the XCC event. If you're reading this, that Piece of Shit boxing contest is still going on or has already happened. What's really funny is that both events will be held in the Hooter's Parking lot. I mean...just look at this.
Now first of all, I had asked some friends of mine how the seating setup was going down. They didn't know. They had heard that the parking lot might be split half in half. But with the seating setup going down like it was, that couldn't be right. There was a lot more chairs to be set up and if all of them were set up, the fight area would take up most of the parking lot. No way were you getting parking close to the area. The parking situation is rediculous. While parking is open at Dore's brew pub, The Lumber Barons, there is not enough space. Independence Park, which was downriver, is out of the question as well. The parking lot is filled with Carnival rides and such. This was leftover from the River Roar, the annual speedboat race we hold. The rides were left there as a carry over for the 4th of July festival later on. So parking is a major problem.
My next question was where they were going to put all the fighters. Where they were going to get ready and tape up. The answer? Dumpster area.
They're housing the fighters....in the dumpster area. The dirty, grimy dumpster area. What the hell!? Are they not concerned with clean areas? What if someone catches infection before or after the fight? What if someone gets cut? This is rediculous.
Finally, I asked my major question. Will there be medical attention at the events. My friends expressed a reluctant "no". They also believe if there was, they have a hell of a time getting in. What my pictures don't show, and I can't believe I didn't get a shot of it. The entrance to the parking lot is like a bottle neck. Sure it looks wide. That's because part of the entrance is a parking area. If the parking situation is like it is, a lot of cars will be parked in the neck, making other vehicles slow up when coming in. This is going to make it difficult for ambulances to get through. One friend of mine suggested that they might be keeping the dock besides the Hooters will be kept clear so Coast Gurard boat could bring medical attention. So instead of getting your ass to the hospital in ten minutes or less, you got to wait double that time because you're crossing the river, on a boat...to get to the hospital.
This is just sad.
And happening on my turf!!
This kind of thing is out of hand. These types of circumstances are the ones that could possibly lead to the first death in MMA. I've read your posts about Dore before, he is nothing less than despicable.
GTFO. You have to give us an update. This is an absolute disgrace to MMA.
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