That's the first thing that comes to my head when I think about my first experiance with Chris Benoit.
Hulk Hogan was doing a sell for his new food court prospect in the Mall of America and then after that there was this match between two guys. One was Dean Melenko and the other was Chris Benoit. My first thoughts into this match was that "they let rookies have matches on TV now?" They then proceed to blow the doors of the mother. Stuff I recognized from Judo and wrestling was in that match. I got into that match so much, I keep the channel on TNT so as I could see what else WCW was willing to bring us. I followed it from the next Monday and the next and the next.
That was when I became a Benoit fan.
And now that he's gone....I don't know.....I don't know if I can possibly help pro-wrestling by doing it justice any more.
He was one of the only positives the had in drawing the real pro wrestling fans. Without him, now what.
More green, roided up monsters and storylines that really go nowhere.
To me, Benoit is just another victim of a vicious system known as N. American Pro Wrestling. A system that is about cosmetic features rather then athletic ability. A system that rewards who you know and when you know him rather then how hard you bust your ass and how many times you come to work on your own.
A system that hates pro wrestlers.
Instead of somehow putting their feet down, the wrestlers go with the punches. Some become roid freaks. Others become junkies. Some become both. Most don't see their 50th birthday.
And the general populace don't care. I mean, it is "fake" isn't it? That's how well this system operates. The more the cloud of ignorance, the better the system works.
Admit it. If this was a major industrial job or even a movie production house and they start touting the numbers of deaths pro-wrestling had, you'd be all over it like stink to shit. But because pro-wrestling is pro-wrestling. Who cares, right?
I quit.
I quit because I can do all the himming and haw all I want. Still not going to change things.
I can write how rotten it is all I want. Still not going to stop the marks from watching.
I can report every piece of every moment. Still not going to get the press to take notice or stop them to act snobbish about the sport.
What this thing needs is a massive exodus and show the worth of it's product to the people who run it.
Not going to happen though.
I quit pro-wrestling.
Until things get changed, I'm done with it.
End of Story.
Rest In Peace Nancy.
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