I mean it.
Don't believe me?
You can be kind and gentle with words, give your side and reasons about why you took said steroids and pretty much prostrate yourself in front of the commission to be lenient and reduce your suspension. Your suspension will still be upheld.
Or...you can verbally bully the commission, swear like a fucking sailor and pretty much deny the fact that a steroid most built for horses was in your system...and get six months off.
What's really funny is that the best way to get your suspension reduced is having a 78 fight record. That's it! Ain't that so cool!! If you have 78 fights under your record, you can get away with fuckin murder!
Hermes has 24 fights. Sorry Dude! Gotta to uphold the law. You can do whatever the fuck you want when you have 54 more fights under your belt. It'll also help if your a repeat offender and verbally abusive as well.
I mean really. Telling and excepting the truth is only for Thug and Cowards. It's best to be a denying insightful son of a bitch with no honor with fanboy nuthuggers sucking at your sac at a moments notice. You can get away with everything then.
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