Taken from the Machine Shop's myspace site. They held an "amateur MMA" card last Friday. The event was run by ADorable Prods. Can you guess who got paid in that picture? (Hint: She's not wearing panties.)
This is kinda old news. I'm sorry I didn't post it sooner, I was hella busy.
If you don't know by now, Art Dore is acting like a child and is ignoring the C&D order to throw his silly ass "Amateur MMA" card at the Dow Event Center next week. Last Friday, he had culled pay at his Flint event and is basically making fighters pay money out of their pocket to fight for free. Just so he can comply with MSAC .
Where is the money going. It can't be going to the venue they fought in. It's easy for Art to pay for. Can be the concessions. The Machine Shop pretty much gets their piece of the action from concessions. I'm pretty sure Dore can get ambulances at the scene too. He owns the Dow and has OHL hockey playing there all the time. So, it's not like a really big problem to get medics over there stat.
Where does the $25 dollars go to, Mr. Dore? I'm having a slight problem understanding this. How is it that the USJF has to charge judokas to pay just so they can afford venue, labor and acceptable medical service, yet you , an ultra rich entrepreneur, instead of doing the right thing and probably ponying up a sizable amount and let these guy fight for free since you don't feel the need to pay them anyway, decide that notion is just crazy-talk and make them pay possibly a part of their money to pay bills just to fight and rank? It's confusing.
As for him ignoring the C&D, this really shows how, excuse my language, fucking childish he is. Honestly, this reminds me of the time me and my brother were taking lessons in sculling. The instructor we studied under had a dog that loved to fetch for things in the water. We were learning to put boats in the water and how to put the oars in the coxing. My brother, totally not interested in learning anything, somehow got his hands on the dog's floating chew toy and was pretty much play fetch. The instructor caught him, told him not to do that and to listen up. My brother stopped and waited for him to be preoccupied, then he started playing with the dog again. Two more times the instructor told him to stop, the last time he shouted at him to knock it off. My brother wouldn't listen. Because I wanted to actually learn how to row as well as make sure I didn't have to listen to shouting all day from my parents, I took the toy away from my brother just before he threw it and gave it back to the instructor.
Now, what am I getting at here. Art Dore is my little brother. He's totally disinterested in learning to do things properly and instead, goes off to the side and does his own thing. The instructor is DLEG. Never mind that what they're trying to do is overlook the safety of fighters, my little brother wants to make money DAMMIT!! Even if it is off the backs of the battered and bruised. The MMA community is me and the chew toy is MMA. We need to take away MMA from Dore and give it to DLEG so that it can be properly shown to the public (the dog) for many years to come.
You mean these guys pay $25 for something they can go elsewhere for and do for free?
What's he selling these guys? He could bottle it and make meeellions...
Art had to do it to properly comply with the MSAC. By making fighter fight for free, he can sell it as a " martial arts event" while pocketing the cash.
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